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Werewolf Trail in Rauda Forest

On the right side of the trail, a steep slope of Āži Hill, covered in birches, aspens, and small spruces, rose like a wall. On the left side stood a couple of large, ancient forest oaks. Beyond them lay yet another swamp and a dark thicket of dense spruces. I felt something terrifying watching me from there. A shiver ran down my spine from an inexplicable fear—an animalistic, scream-inducing, paralyzing terror without any known reason. I had to summon all my strength to keep moving and not freeze in place.

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About the Trail

Mystical stories and legends surround Rauda Forest—an actual ghostly forest! Wise men claim that, in terms of energy, it rivals the legendary Pokaiņi Forest. What makes Rauda Forest unique is the stark contrast of energies found here—unlike anywhere else in Latvia. Here, positive and negative energies meet face to face. The mystique of Rauda Forest is described in the book "Kurzemes Vilkaču Nostāsti" ("Werewolf Tales of Courland") by theologian Ralfs Kokins.

"There is no point in debating the existence of werewolves from the comfort of a well-furnished, sterile apartment in the center of Riga while browsing the internet. Things are different in Courland. People say that a werewolf is extremely evil, almost like the devil himself—nothing is more terrifying than seeing one with your own eyes. But only living people think so and feel immense fear. Still, it is not good either because good things usually don’t cause such dread. Perhaps this intense, primal fear has been inherited from our ancient ancestors, who relied on intuition and inexplicable instincts for survival. Many people in Courland claim to have seen werewolves, yet there are no records of them harming children. Some adults, however, were not so lucky. Some particularly gruesome stories circulate here..."

Ralfs Kokins, "Kurzemes Vilkaču Nostāsti" (Zvaigzne ABC)

Werewolf Trail

  • "The Wolf Howling at the Moon" Trail – A natural, sometimes even wild trail with diverse landscapes and terrain, designed for physically strong hikers. Nature has made the "Wolf’s Snout" the most challenging part to cross—especially the jaw, while the throat appears eerie. If you activate an app on your device that records your route on a map, you will have "drawn" the outline of a wolf’s head by the time you finish.

  • "Wolf Pup’s Trot" Trail – A path suitable for children and elderly hikers. Along the way, you’ll encounter several mystical landmarks: the "Nejaucēni" Tent, the "Sausenis," the Werewolf Pine, the Spruce known as "Stone’s Daughter," the "Vadātājkalns" Hill, and the sinister "Draņķozols" Oak.

Werewolf Marathon Loop I Werewolf Marathon, 07.06.2025.

Ralfs Kokins "Kurzemes Vilkaču Nostāsti" I VisitTukums

All trails: GoogleMap