- Mysterious Magic of Irbene: Coastal Stirnu Buks Invites You to a Running Adventure On the Livonian Coast

Mysterious Magic of Irbene: Coastal Stirnu Buks Invites You to a Running Adventure On the Livonian Coast

Text: Elina Putene

The 5th stage of the 2024 season of “Coastal Stirnu Buks” will take place on August 17 in Irbene, Ventspils district.

As usual, the race day will begin at 10:00 with participants of the ENEFIT hiking distances, who will spend their time on the trail without rushing or time control. At 12:00, the youngest participants, the GARDU MUTI Susuri, will start, followed by the longer GARMIN Lūsis and VENDEN Stirnu Buks distances. At 13:00, participants in the 6km Vāvere distance will take to the trail, closely followed by the KARTE VESELĪBA Zaķis runners. The start schedule will conclude with the LATVIJAS VALSTS MEŽI school championship run, which has been rescheduled to 14:00. The day will wrap up around 17:00 with the awards ceremony, followed by the customary instant lottery for present visitors.

This is undoubtedly one of the season’s most mysterious and intriguing stages. Irbene promises to captivate participants and spectators with its unique history, natural beauty, and adventurous spirit.

Stirnu Buks participants will enjoy a run through the territory of the Irbene radio telescope, which holds the magic of science, history, and nature. Until recently, this area was a secret Soviet base with the code name “Zvjozdočka” (“Little Star”), where cosmic communications interception took place. Today, after the military infrastructure was taken over, the Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center operates here, featuring the largest radio telescope in Northern Europe – RT-32.

In addition, participants will experience the enchantment of forests, dunes, and marshes, and those running the longer distances will have the exclusive experience of enjoying part of the Jūrtaka Trail – through the Ovīši Nature Reserve, characterized by wide, sandy beaches and dunes. Natural materials such as pebbles and sand form large, natural mosaics on the shore. In Lūžņa, objects of military heritage from various times attract interest. The routes will lead into the nature reserves “Ances Marshes and Forests” and “Ovīši.” – being here is a privilege, so the organizers ask participants to stay on the marked trails, respect the environment, and follow the rules that help preserve the surrounding beauty. Otherwise, the locals from the historical Livonian coast threaten the arrival of the “Kājgrieži.” These locals, known as “Kājgrieži,” lived along the Kurzeme coast and misled ships by lighting bonfires, causing them to run aground and fail to reach Riga. Then, they would cut off the legs of the bodies washed ashore because the long leather boots couldn’t be removed easily. “So, Stirnu Buks, watch your precious Salomons if you plan to jump where it’s not allowed,” jokes the event’s main organizer, Rimants Liepiņš.

Like other stages, the Coastal Stirnu Buks is not just about competition—it’s an opportunity to enjoy nature and its extraordinary beauty, as well as to experience the cultural and historical heritage of the Livonian coast with the help of local traders. The stunning nature of Irbene and its surroundings invite you to return to the primal beauty of nature, reminding us of the importance of respecting the environment and preserving its uniqueness for future generations.

The trail running series “Stirnu Buks” is Latvia’s largest mass sports series. In each stage, runners, hikers, and participants in hiking distances without time control can explore the most beautiful and scenic places and forests of Latvia. The Stirnu Buks season starts in March and ends in October, offering seven different stages in various picturesque locations throughout the season. The distances suit both young and old, whether they have been active for a long time or are just starting to develop their physical fitness.

Registration for the Coastal Stirnu Buks is open on the website until 12:00 on August 15.

Press release prepared on August 9, 2024
Elīna Putene

