- Participants will have the opportunity to experience the craft of weaving

Participants will have the opportunity to experience the craft of weaving

Text: Elīna Putene

Participants of the “Stirnu buks” will have the opportunity to experience the craft of weaving and collectively create a memory rug for the Vecpiebalga stage.

The “Stirnu buks” trail run will hold its 4th stage on July 6th in the picturesque and inspirational Vecpiebalga region. In addition to the usual distances for runners, hikers, and Nordic walkers, there will also be an opportunity to watch the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament semi-finals together, where we hope to see the Latvian team.

The competition center will be located at the rural exhibition “Vēveri” of the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum, where attendees can immerse themselves in the farmer-craftsmen homestead group characteristic of Piebalga, with a history dating back to the mid-16th century. Free guided tours of the “Vēveri” exhibitions will start at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM from the Kalna Vēveru barn. Individual tours will also be available for a fee throughout the day. At 1:30 PM, the hostess at Kalna Vēveru will bake rye bread in honor of the arriving guests, while diligent weavers will work all day in Lielvēveru house. In Virolvēveru house, everyone can sit at the loom and weave their stripe into a special rug or rag quilt, which will be collectively presented to the organizers of “Stirnu buks” at the end of the competition. In 1844, each house in Piebalga had 2-4 looms, primarily operated by men.


In addition to its rich history, participants will have the opportunity to explore the hills and lakes of Piebalga, view the famous water lilies that typically bloom from May to September, and visit the summer home “Saulrietos” of the fairy tale master Kārlis Skalbe. This area is known throughout Latvia as a cradle of cultural heritage, and even today, people come to Vecpiebalga to find inspiration and peace.

Lelde Burdaja, the head of the Vecpiebalga Association of Cēsis Municipality, comments: “We are delighted to welcome the participants of Stirnu Buks to Vecpiebalga, which is not only a picturesque and culturally unique place but also a place for good living, relaxation, and inspiration. As Piebalga celebrates its 800th anniversary this summer, one of our themes is ‘žurme,’ which means energy. This energy is baked into our bread, stored in the honeycombs collected here, reflected in our porcelain – the white gold, and wafted from the candles and cosmetic wonders created here. The secrets of Vecpiebalga’s ‘žurme’ are revealed in the stories of our museums, but one of its sources is its splendid nature. Come and enjoy!”

Runners, Nordic walkers, and hiking enthusiasts are invited to participate in various distances of different lengths and difficulties in Vecpiebalga and three other stages in different locations in Latvia. Large medals will continue to be awarded to participants who have competed in at least three stages of the 2024 Stirnu Buks season.

In this stage, participants and supporters also have the opportunity to leave their worries about transportation at home and travel to Vēveri by bus in cooperation with BraucamKopā.lv. The transport providers promise to provide a special rest area and changing rooms. Registration for the bus can be done in the participant’s Stirnu Buks profile at

On May 25, on the shores of Lake Rāzna, Toms Komass, and Agate Armane won the Stirnu Buks “Garmin-Fēnikss” 76km Wolf distance, becoming this year’s Latvian trail running champions.

The “Stirnu Buks” trail running series is Latvia’s most popular sports series. In each stage, runners, Nordic walkers, and hiking distance participants without time control can explore the most beautiful and scenic places and forests in Latvia. The Stirnu Buks season begins in March and ends in October, offering seven different stages in various scenic locations during the season. The distances are suitable for small and large trail runners who have been engaged in physical activities for a long time and those who have only recently started developing their strength.

The next three season stages will occur on August 17 in Ventspils, September 14 in Tukums, and conclude on October 12 in Madona.

The information page for the “Vecpiebalga Stirnu Buks” competition is here!
